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Project Anatomy

Project Anatomy is the most important configuration piece for each project you work on with openPype.

It defines:

  • Project Root folders
  • File naming conventions
  • Folder structure templates
  • Default project attributes
  • Task Types
  • Applications and Tool versions
  • Colour Management
  • File Formats

Anatomy is the only configuration that is always saved as an project override. This is to make sure that any updates to OpenPype or Studio default values, don't affect currently running productions.



Roots define where files are stored with path to a shared folder. It is required to set the root path for each platform you are using in the studio. All paths must point to the same folder!


It is possible to set multiple roots when necessary. That may be handy when you need to store a specific type of data on another disk. roots02

Note how multiple roots are used here, to push different types of files to different shared storage. roots03


Templates define the project's folder structure and filenames.

We have a few required anatomy templates for OpenPype to work properly, however we keep adding more when needed.

Available template keys

Context keyDescription
root[name]Path to root folder
project[name]Project's full name
project[code]Project's code
hierarchyAll hierarchical parents as subfolders
assetName of asset or shot
task[name]Name of task
task[type]Type of task
task[short]Short name of task type (eg. 'Modeling' > 'mdl')
parentName of hierarchical parent
versionVersion number
subsetSubset name
familyMain family name
extFile extension
representationRepresentation name
frameFrame number for sequence files.
appApplication Name
userUser's login name (can be overridden in local settings)
Date-Time keyExample resultDescription
d1, 30Short day of month
dd01, 30Day of month with 2 digits.
dddMonShortened week day name.
ddddMondayFull week day name.
m1, 12Short month number.
mm01, 12Month number with 2 digits.
mmmJanShortened month name.
mmmmJanuaryFull month name.
yy20Shortened year.
yyyy2020Full year.
H4, 17Shortened 24-hour number.
HH04, 1724-hour number with 2 digits.
h5Shortened 12-hour number.
hh0512-hour number with 2 digits.
htAM, PMMidday part.
M0Shortened minutes number.
MM00Minutes number with 2 digits.
S0Shortened seconds number.
SS00Seconds number with 2 digits.

Anatomy reference keys

Anatomy templates have the ability to use "referenced keys". Best example is path in publish or work templates which just contains references to folder and file ({@folder}/{@file}). Any changes in folder or file template are propagated to the path template. The another example is simplification of version and frame formatting with paddings. You can notice that keys {@version} or {@frame} are used in default templates. They are referencing Anatomy -> Templates -> Version or Frame which handle version and frame formatting with padding.

So if you set project_anatomy/templates/defaults/version_padding to 5 the {@version} key will be transformed to v{version:0>5} automatically and version number in paths will have 5 numbers -> v00001.

Optional keys

In some cases of template formatting not all keys are available and should be just ignored. For example {frame} should be available only for sequences but we have single publish template. To handle these cases it is possible to use special characters to mark segment of template which should be ignored, if it can't be filled because of missing keys. To mark these segments use < and >. . Template {project[code]}_{asset}_{subset}<_{output}><.{@frame}>.{ext} can handle all 4 possible situations when output and frame keys are available or not. The optional segments can contain additional text, like in the example dot (.) for frame and underscore (_) for output, those are also ignored if the keys are not available. Optional segments without formatting keys are kept untouched: <br/> -> stays as <br/>. It is possible to nest optional segments inside optional segments <{asset}<.{@frame}><br/>> which may result in empty string if asset key is not available.


Project attributes are used as default values for new assets created under project, except Applications and Active project which are project specific. Values of attributes that are not project specific are always used from assets. So if tools are not loading as expected it is because the assets have different values.


Most of attributes don't need detailed explanation.

ApplicationsList of applications that can be used in the project. At the moment used only as a possible filter of applications.
ToolsList of application tools. This value can be overridden per asset.
Active projectProject won't be visible in tools if enabled.
- To revert check Show Inactive projects checkbox in project settings.

Task Types

Available task types on a project. Each task on an asset is referencing a task type on the project which allows access to additional task type attributes. At this moment only short_name is available (can be used in templates as {task[short_name]}).


Colour Management and Formats