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How to use Ftrack in OpenPype

Login to Ftrack module in OpenPype (best case scenario)

  1. Launch OpenPype and go to systray OpenPype icon.

  2. Ftrack login window pop up on start or press login in Ftrack menu to pop up Ftrack login window


    • Press Ftrack button

      Login widget

    • Web browser opens

    • Sign into Ftrack if requested. If you are already signed in to Ftrack via web browser, you can jump to Application launch


  3. Message is shown


  1. Close message and you're ready to use actions - continue with Application launch

Application launch (best case scenario)

  1. Make sure OpenPype is running and you passed Login to Ftrack guide
  2. Open Web browser and go to your studio Ftrack web page (e.g.
  3. Locate the task to run the application on.
  4. Display actions for the task ftrack-login-3
  5. Select application you want to launch
    • application versions may be grouped to one action. In that case, press the action to reveal versions to choose from (like Maya in the picture), only applications permitted on the particular project will appear. ftrack-login-3
  6. Start working ;)

Change Ftrack user

  1. Log out the previous user from Ftrack Web app (skip if new is already logged)


  2. Log out the previous user from Ftrack module in OpenPype tray



  1. Follow Login to Ftrack guide

Where to find API key

  • Your API key can be found in Ftrack. In the upper right corner of Ftrack click on the avatar, choose System settings.

  • You shouldn't need to use your personal API key if previous steps went through correctly


  • Scroll down in left panel and select API keys. Then pick Create button.


  • New window will pop up. Choose the API role and press Save


  • Then your new API will be created.


  • Copy them and put it into the Ftrack login window.


What if...

Ftrack login window didn't pop up and Ftrack menu is not in tray

1. possibility - OpenPype didn't load properly

  • try to restart OpenPype

2. possibility - Ftrack is not set in OpenPype

  • inform your administrator or supervisor

Web browser did not open

1. possibility - button was not pressed

  • Try to press again the Ftrack button in Ftrack login window

2. possibility - Ftrack URL is not set or is not right

  • Check Ftrack URL value in Ftrack login window
  • Inform your administrator if URL is incorrect and launch OpenPype again when administrator fix it

3. possibility - Ftrack Web app can't be reached the way OpenPype use it

  • Enter your Username and API key in Ftrack login window and press Login button


Ftrack action menu is empty

1. possibility - OpenPype is not running

  • launch OpenPype and check if it is running in systray

2. possibility - You didn't go through Login to Ftrack guide

3. possibility - User logged to Ftrack Web is not the same as user logged to Ftrack module in tray

4. possibility - Project doesn't have applications set correctly

  • ask your Project Manager to check if he set applications for the project